Re: Typo in Namespace for

At 05:07 PM 6/22/2005 -0400, Steven Wartik wrote [1]:

>The example ontology contains a typo in the namespace for p2. It's missing a trailing #.


Steve, thank you for this comment.  Please accept our apologies
for letting the summer delay a response to you.

Although the usage here is perhaps unconventional, it is not
obviously a typo nor an error in usage.

That xml namespace binding is used in only one place and the
triple generated by both the N3 and the RDF/XML code is (ignoring
differences in the subject base URI):

   <> .

That object URI is syntactically valid.  Evidently, the only purpose
for the p2 namespace declaration in these files is to abbreviate
the object URI.  The confusion is understandable, as it ought not
to be "good practice" to omit some delimiter at the end of a
namespace URI used to declare RDF Classes and Properties.
However, the p2 namespace here is not being used in that way.
The relevant code in the N3 and RDF/XML files is not serving any
particularly illustrative purpose in this case.

Received on Wednesday, 21 September 2005 17:59:22 UTC