[MM] MM TF Teleconference

Dear all


We have scheduled the second MM TF teleconference for tomorrow:


Wednesday, 5 October

8:00am-09:00am EST/12:00-13:00 UTC

       0500 (West US)

       0800 (East US)

       1300 (London)

       1400 (Amsterdam),

       1500 (Athens)                

       2200 (Sydney)


Duration: 60 min


Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 6683 ("MMTF")

12 participants



New version and further contributions to the 1st deliverable





Giorgos Stamou

Jacco van Ossenbruggen

Jeff Pan


Received on Tuesday, 11 October 2005 17:48:53 UTC