Re: [MM] MM TF Teleconference

Giorgos Stamou wrote:

> Dear all
> We have scheduled the first MM TF teleconference for tomorrow:
> Wednesday, 5 October
> 9:00am-10:00am EST/13:00-14:00 UTC
>        0600 (West US)
>        0900 (East US)
>        1400 (London)
>        1500 (Amsterdam),
>        1100 (Sydney)
> Duration: 60 min
> Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference code 6683 ("MMTF")
> Further contributions and schedule of the 1st deliverable
> It is really important to be there.
Here are some more suggestions to structure the teleconf (all open for 

We could use the usual IRC channel to simplify communication,
  IRC Chat: (port 6665), #swbp

For the 1st deliverable, Raphael's and my priority list is:

Clearify goals and non-goals for the document

- Sketch solutions for the use cases
- Classify the vocabularies and ontologies based on level of adoption, 
formal status, size, granularity, tool support etc.
- Idem for the tools.
- More use cases, vocabularies, tools (especially, we need a personal 
digital image collection use case)
- Lots of clean up

See you about 2 hours :-)


Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2005 10:57:16 UTC