Re: [VM] HTTP Cookbook, revised editor's draft

Hi Alistair,

I've just read the subject doc through and have the following  
comments:  Overall, this document is quite valuable!  I am very happy  
to see it.  The one criticism I have is that the recipes read a bit  
tersely.  Perhaps explaining the motivation for directions prior to  
use would increase readability.

For example,

   "Create a file called 2005-10-31.rdf that contains a complete RDF/ 
XML serialisation of the ontology, as at 2005-10-31 (or whatever the  
current date is). I.e. all resources defined by the ontology are  
described in this file, and this file represents a 'snapshot' or  
'version' of the ontology."

Might change to something like this:

   "Create a file which contains a complete RDF/XML serialization of  
your ontology, as of a certain date or version number.  Give the file  
a name that represents the modification date or version number, such  
as '2005-10-31.rdf' or '1.01.rdf'.  All resources defined by the  
ontology are described in this file.  This file represents a  
'snapshot' or 'version' of the ontology."

If you want to continue to use a single file name as an example,  
that's fine.  The version example can go into a following paragraph:

   "Create a file which contains a complete RDF/XML serialization of  
your ontology, as of a certain date.  Give the file a name that  
represents the modification date, such as '2005-10-31.rdf'.  All  
resources defined by the ontology are described in this file.  This  
file represents a 'snapshot' or 'version' of the ontology.

   Alternately, the file name may represent a version number, such as  

Just a suggestion...


On 22 Nov2005, at 13:13, Miles, AJ (Alistair) wrote:

> Hi all,
> I revised 
> 2005-11-18/ (now revision 1.9) in response to some feedback from  
> today's VM telecon.
> Changes since rev 1.8 ...
>  - Recipes 7, 9 and 10 changed to use Partial Redirect PURLs.
>  - Section 'Choosing a Recipe' added.
>  - Recipes 4 and 9 modified to make sure we don't get a trailing  
> hash ('#') when dereferencing the namespace URI.
>  - Unnecessary '.*' removed from some rewrite rules.
> Cheers,
> Al.
> ---
> Alistair Miles
> Research Associate
> CCLRC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
> Building R1 Room 1.60
> Fermi Avenue
> Chilton
> Didcot
> Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
> United Kingdom
> Email:
> Tel: +44 (0)1235 445440

Received on Monday, 28 November 2005 15:58:19 UTC