Re: [WN] Fwd: WordNet Namespace

Peter Mika wrote:

>Hi All,
>Regarding the second issue: I think it's less of a problem. Once you agree
>on the actual representation of WordNet, you can make it available either as
>a single file or a set of files, e.g. one for each resource, containing only
>the triples where that resource appears. 
I agree, but you still need to define exactly what triples are returned 
for each type of URI.
So, what subgraph does resolving 
actually return?
And what about

>The WordNet server can then either serve these static files or run a RESTful
>Web Service in the background that queries the ontology dynamically.
In theory, yes, but in practice I doubt that Princeton is going to 
develop such a service.

>In any case as Jeremy says what you want are slash URIs.
I agree.


Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2005 13:52:52 UTC