Re: Using URIs to identify non-information resources

> If my web site starts returning "303 See Other", it's still my web site,
> and not me.

What is "" the URI of?

How about "" ?

If I try to visit
and I get a "301 Moved Permanently" redirect to
should I still consider ...larry1... to be the URL of your website?

It seems to me you only really know you've got the URI of a web page
when you get a "200 OK".  These other responses tell you that the URI
you're working with may be a little bit different.  And this
realization opens the door to an effective solution to the
long-standing hash-vs-slash problem.  The solution may not meet
everyone's intuitions and generalizations perfectly, but it doesn't
seem to break anything. 

     -- sandro

Received on Monday, 8 August 2005 18:31:09 UTC