RE: Graphical notation from Representing Values note


Any chance of getting a preview of your mapping? I am very interested in
this area. OMG has just announced their ODM draft [1] and I will
certainly be looking into that. In fact, do you have an update on the
UML profile for OWL effort? I recall that it was an agenda item on SWBPD
some months ago. May be I just need to go digging the list archive.

I have found standard UML to Owl needs resolution on the following:

. Semantics differences between association/property/fields in UML to
OWL property hierarchy, obj and datatype properties.
. Treatment of subclassof semantics vs equivalentClass semantics.
. Construction of complex expressions, especially in expressing
restriction class as a class in it's own right.

I have seen several ways of dealing with the above, but none seem to
have the right balance between: expressiveness vs the mental demand in
understanding the resulting diagram vs the demand of screen real estate.
I have high hopes on the OMG efforts.

I'd be happy to have a discussion about all these.




Gary Ng, PhD             <>
Network Inference Ltd., 
5963 La Place Court, Suite 300
Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA. Tel: +1 760 476 0650

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Alan Rector
Sent: 05 September 2004 10:22
To:; best-practice; Matthew Horridge; nick
drummond; Hai Wang; Julian Seidenberg
Subject: Re: Graphical notation from Representing Values note


The notation is ad hoc borrowed partly from Natasha Noy with some
variants which I have used for some time.   Guus Schreiber has a
specific proposal for extensions of UML to OWL.   Network Inference.
This note should reach Gary Ng who is on SWBP mailing list and is the
appropriate contact there.

It is an area in which I am very interested but have not yet detailed



Alan L Rector
Professor of Medical Informatics
Department of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL, UK
TEL: +44-161-275-6188/6149/7183
FAX: +44-161-275-6236/6204
Room: 2.88a, Kilburn Building
web: wrote:

> Hello,
> In your SWBPD note on Representing Specified Values in OWL [1] you
> used a graphical notation (for figure 1) which looks interesting. Is
> there any background to this notation or is it an adaptation of
> RDFviz notation that you invented just for this note?  I ask because I
> am in the process of writing a paper on mapping from UML Class
> diagrams to OWL and would like to use some similar notation the OWL
> that results from my proposed mapping.  Any suggestions for this would
> be welcome?
> -Evan
> Evan K. Wallace
> Manufacturing Systems Integration Division

Received on Friday, 10 September 2004 10:08:22 UTC