Re: [OEP] Close to final draft of "classes as values" note

> Another point : I'm quite unesay with Approach 2, where the class 
> "Lion" is defined
> completely differently and in a very odd way. How many instances do 
> you have for this
> class? One by distinct subclass? Strange and potentially confusing. 
> Would not it be better
> to have a consistent and as "natural" as possible definition of the 
> reference ontology
> classes (Animal > Lion > African Lion) throughout the approaches, of 
> which the individual
> "Lenny the lion next door" is an instance? Of course, that means 
> either striking Approach
> 2, or have a completely different use case for this approach.

I hope my other replies to this thread answered your question. If not, 
I'll be happy to try again.

> Minor point. Seems there is a problem with N3 examples. My browser 
> don't like them :(

In which way? Are  these the examples in-line or the links? Could you 
be more specific? (the ones in-line are simply things with <pre> </pre> 
. The links are plain text files.


Received on Thursday, 13 May 2004 20:45:41 UTC