Re: [WNET] Repeat of question about task force description

At 02:52 PM 5/14/2004 +0100, McBride, Brian wrote:

>On 05 May I asked [1]
>I was trying to catch up on the status of the wordnet task force and noticed
>that that task force description on the group page
>Links to Aldo's first message on the subject.  Are there any plans to update
>this in the light of subsequent discussion.
>Is there a task force web page?
>Did I miss the answer?

Good question(s).  The most recent pertinent message I see from Aldo
is [2], dated 1 April.  Aldo, is there a more up-to-date version of the WordNet
Task Force using the template in [3]?


I will be happy to put Task Force descriptions into revisable documents
in the WG URI space if the content exists in the mail archive.

Received on Thursday, 3 June 2004 14:41:31 UTC