RE: Tech Plenary: agenda Best Practices

----- Forwarded by Jos De_Roo/AMDUS/MOR/Agfa-NV/BE/BAYER on 26/02/2004
21:12 -----
                      Jos De_Roo                                                                                                       
                                               To:      Christopher Welty <>@AGFASMTP                                  
                      24/02/2004 23:18         cc:      "Ben Adida" <>, "Bernard Vatant"                        
                                               <>, "Brian McBride" <>, "Dan Brickley"     
                                               <>, "Dave Beckett" <>, "Jim Hendler"             
                                               <>, "Jeremy Carroll" <>, "Liddy Nevile"                 
                                               <>, "Mike Uschold" <>, "Oscar Corcho"       
                                               <>, "Patrick Stickler" <>, "Guus Schreiber"  
                                               <>, "Ralph R. Swick" <>,         
                                               Subject: RE: Tech Plenary: agenda Best Practices(Document link: Jos De_Roo)             

[cc'ed DanC]
I've been thinking/discussing our 3 points and here they are...

hands-on support for developers of Semantic Web applications

o repository of test cases using existing standard vocabularies
  (e.g. healthcare UMLS, OpenGALEN, NCI, ICD9, MeSH, DICOM, HL7, ...)
  also by using an ontology in which one can say things like
  "this is something which is called xyz by that standard/body"

o test results page covering different implementations for
  those test manifests and using a test results ontology with
  a more specific result:output ontology

o X feeds data into Y using controlled vocabulary
  Y performs actions which should be verified
  results are fed back to X using controlled vocabulary
  e.g. physician order entry

but we'll think further :)

Jos De Roo, AGFA

                      Christopher Welty                                                                                                
                      <        To:       "Bernard Vatant" <>                                 
                      >                        cc:       "Ben Adida" <>, "Brian McBride" <>, 
                                                "Dan Brickley" <>, "Dave Beckett" <>, "Jim      
                      23/02/2004 16:02          Hendler" <>, "Jeremy Carroll" <>, Jos                  
                                                De_Roo/AMDUS/MOR/Agfa-NV/BE/BAYER@AGFA, "Liddy Nevile" <>, "Mike       
                                                Uschold" <>, "Oscar Corcho" <>, "Patrick  
                                                Stickler" <>, "Guus Schreiber" <>, "Ralph  
                                                R. Swick" <>                                                               
                                               Subject:  RE: Tech Plenary: agenda Best Practices                                       

If you're willing to do it, I think it's a good idea (well known fact that
"brainstorming" is much better when people have thought about it first).


Dr. Christopher A. Welty, Knowledge Structures Group
IBM Watson Research Center, 19 Skyline Dr., Hawthorne, NY  10532     USA

Voice: +1 914.784.7055,  IBM T/L: 863.7055, Fax: +1 914.784.7455
Email:, Web:

   "Bernard Vatant"                                                        
   <bernard.vatant@         To:        "Guus Schreiber"              >     <>, "Jim Hendler"                    
                    <>, "Dan Brickley" <>,  
                    "Patrick Stickler" <>,       
   02/23/2004 09:17 "Jeremy Carroll" <>, "Brian McBride"     
   AM               <>, "Dave Beckett"                  
                    <>, "Jos de Roo"             
                    <>, "Liddy Nevile"                   
                    <>, "Mike Uschold"                     
                    <>, Christopher            
                    Welty/Watson/IBM@IBMUS, "Ben Adida"                    
                    <>, "Oscar Corcho"              
                            cc:        "Ralph R. Swick" <>     
                            Subject:        RE: Tech Plenary: agenda Best  

Hello all

Some comments on the agenda on practical points.

9.15. - 10.00
Introductory round (all participants)

- Would not it be a good idea for each participant to send beforehand a
short introduction and interest focus by e-mail?
BTW will there be any mailing list set for the WG before the F2F?

11.00 - 12.30
Flash talks by participants? Participants are asked to prepare a very short
(5 min) talk on their top-three priority list for this BPD Working

- Why not have those priorities sent beforehand through e-mail, e.g. along
with member introduction? We could have a slide show gathering them, so
that each member will just have to comment on one's three bullet points. I
volunteer to prepare the support, if folks agree on the principle. Would
save time and bring clarity IMO.

Looking forward to see you in Cannes.

Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Knowledge Engineering
Mondeca -

Received on Thursday, 26 February 2004 15:14:10 UTC