tips on getting blog projects to include more triples?


I have been thinking about and discussing (via my blog) adding more 
triples to RSS 1.0 feeds that many blogs produce.  For instance, it 
would be nice to have triples that describe blog comments and their 
authors, dc:references, and better dc:subject (using URIs from, say, dmoz).

While doing the work is not the issue, I'm curious as to this list's 
suggestions on how to get Movable Type, for instance, to see the value 
of making their blog software more semantic web friendly.

I may be off base here, and I apologize if this list's focus isn't quite 
this type of evangelism.

I wouldn't mind trying to talk with Six Apart about this, and provide 
them code.  It would be nice, however, if I could say something like 
"The SWBP Group for the W3 endorses these types of actions".  Is that 
something this group can imagine doing?

If so, I'd love to discuss this further and come up with a game plan 
(along with the code).  I imagine one of the first things to do is 
either come up with a paper describing why more triples is good, or 
better yet, an application that takes advantage of them (maybe by adding 
in new capabilities to, for instance).

Thanks for your guidance and help on this issue.

ps for some background, there are relevant posts at

Received on Thursday, 15 April 2004 20:50:42 UTC