Subsettability of the SVG document

For SVG OT, we've been talking about a define-it-as-you-will SVG document that simply has to have elements that can be identified in a standard way by the font engine as glyphs (e.g. id="g<glyphID>").

Now, OT font engines often need to subset a font before embedding it or streaming it for other purposes.

So the task of subsetting an SVG OT font will involve extracting only the required element id's from the SVG document, and possibly only the animated or static representations of those id's (e.g. if I'm embedding a font into a document format that doesn't support animation, I'd want to jettison any animation-related matter from the font). The rest of the subsetting task (e.g. subsetting the GSUB and other tables) will be the same as for TT or CFF OT fonts.

Is this sort of subsetting of an SVG document something that's done today for other reasons? Or would be this a new thing?

So far, we haven't talked about imposing any additional structure within the SVG document. This provides maximum flexibility for the vendor to organize their glyph descriptions, but it does increase the complexity of subsetting.

One option would be to simplify things and require a simple list of <g> elements, one after the other. But this already starts going down the path of defining some new kind of SVG <font>-like format, and I don't know if it would be worth it.



Received on Thursday, 1 December 2011 18:54:36 UTC