Re: SVG-ACTION-3765: Add a note about avoiding unitless values

On 6 March 2015 at 07:19, Little, Chris <>
> Can I suggest that avoiding the term 'unitless' may be a good idea, and
> something like 'unspecified', 'default' or 'inherited' unit may be better.

The interfaces currently use the terms "number"  for lengths and
"unspecified" for angles:

Since using "number" for a length unit is even more confusing than using
"unitless", my vote would be for "lengths/angles with unspecified units".

Example usage:

Within the SVG `transform` attribute:

   - Translation parameters are <length> values; lengths with unspecified
   units are treated as `px` (user units).
   - Rotation and skew parameters are <angle> values; angles with
   unspecified units are treated as degrees, and
   - Scale parameters are unitless <number> values.

That said, I'd be entirely fine with "default units" as well: "the default
unit for length is `px`; the default unit for angles is degrees".

I don't think "inherited" makes sense in this context.

Received on Friday, 6 March 2015 14:49:50 UTC