svg2: Merge the 'The curve commands' section into an earlier section.

changeset: 693:3de9c9316033
user:      Cameron McCormack <>
date:      Fri Aug 22 00:03:45 2014 +1000
Merge the 'The curve commands' section into an earlier section.


 master/paths.html |  53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diffs (91 lines):

diff --git a/master/paths.html b/master/paths.html
--- a/master/paths.html
+++ b/master/paths.html
@@ -290,18 +290,44 @@ describe the syntax of a given path comm
 <div class="ready-for-wider-review">
 <p>In the description of the path commands, <var>cpx</var> and
 <var>cpy</var> represent the coordinates of the current point,
 and <var>cb</var> represents the current bearing.</p>
-<p>The following sections list the commands.</p>
+<p>The following sections list the commands.  Those that
+draw straight line segments include the <a href="paths.html#PathDataLinetoCommands">lineto commands</a>
+(<strong>L</strong>, <strong>l</strong>,
+<strong>H</strong>, <strong>h</strong>, <strong>V</strong> and <strong>v</strong>)
+and the <a href="#paths.html#PathDataClosePathCommand">close path commands</a>
+(<strong>Z</strong> and <strong>z</strong>).  These three groups of commands draw curves:</p>
+  <li><a href="paths.html#PathDataCubicBezierCommands">Cubic
+  Bézier commands</a> (<strong>C</strong>,
+  <strong>c</strong>, <strong>S</strong> and
+  <strong>s</strong>). A cubic Bézier segment is defined
+  by a start point, an end point, and two control points.</li>
+  <li><a
+  href="paths.html#PathDataQuadraticBezierCommands">Quadratic
+  Bézier commands</a> (<strong>Q</strong>,
+  <strong>q</strong>, <strong>T</strong> and
+  <strong>t</strong>). A quadratic Bézier segment is
+  defined by a start point, an end point, and one control
+  point.</li>
+  <li><a
+  href="paths.html#PathDataEllipticalArcCommands">Elliptical
+  arc commands</a> (<strong>A</strong> and <strong>a</strong>).
+  An elliptical arc segment draws a segment of an ellipse.</li>
 <h3 id="PathDataMovetoCommands">The <strong>"moveto"</strong> commands</h3>
 <p>The "moveto" commands (<strong>M</strong> or
 <strong>m</strong>) establish a new current point. The effect
 is as if the "pen" were lifted and moved to a new location. A
 path data segment (if there is one) must begin with a "moveto"
 command. Subsequent "moveto" commands (i.e., when the "moveto"
 is not the first command) represent the start of a new
@@ -476,41 +502,16 @@ of the positive x-axis.</p>
 <p>When a relative <strong>v</strong> command is used,
 the end point of the line is (<var>cpx</var> + <var>y</var> sin <var>cb</var>,
 <var>cpy</var> + <var>y</var> cos <var>cb</var>).</p>
-<h3 id="PathDataCurveCommands">The curve commands</h3>
-<p>These three groups of commands draw curves:</p>
-  <li><a href="paths.html#PathDataCubicBezierCommands">Cubic
-  Bézier commands</a> (<strong>C</strong>,
-  <strong>c</strong>, <strong>S</strong> and
-  <strong>s</strong>). A cubic Bézier segment is defined
-  by a start point, an end point, and two control points.</li>
-  <li><a
-  href="paths.html#PathDataQuadraticBezierCommands">Quadratic
-  Bézier commands</a> (<strong>Q</strong>,
-  <strong>q</strong>, <strong>T</strong> and
-  <strong>t</strong>). A quadratic Bézier segment is
-  defined by a start point, an end point, and one control
-  point.</li>
-  <li><a
-  href="paths.html#PathDataEllipticalArcCommands">Elliptical
-  arc commands</a> (<strong>A</strong> and <strong>a</strong>).
-  An elliptical arc segment draws a segment of an ellipse.</li>
 <h3 id="PathDataCubicBezierCommands">The cubic Bézier curve commands</h3>
 <p>The cubic Bézier commands are as follows:</p>
 <table class="PathDataTable">

Received on Thursday, 21 August 2014 14:18:44 UTC