Re: Switching to DOM3 events

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 2:54 PM, Richard Schwerdtfeger
<> wrote:
> I started working on the Interaction portion of the spec. where we refer to
> what events we are going to support. Currently, we refer to DOMFocusIn,
> DOMFocusOut, etc. and these are referred to as Legacy UI Events in DOM3.
> DOM3 introduces new event types in addition to many of the existing events:
> Here they break up events into finder detail: focusin, focus, and focusout
> for example. Since we are moving to DOM3 do we want to support all these
> events from DOM3?

Only if they're actually supported.  Note the discussion during the
F2F about focusin/focusout, and how we want to see if we can drop them
in favor of just focus/blur.  (The difference is that focusin/focusout
fire *before* the elements focuses or blurs, while focus/blur fire

> Also, is it safe to say we should expect to see a mouse click event vs.
> having to use DOMActivate?

Yes, DOMActivate is long dead.  'click' is actually an abstract
activation gesture event.


Received on Monday, 18 November 2013 23:02:24 UTC