svg2: remove mutation events

changeset: 530:96a5554b53c0
user:      Richard Schwerdtfeger <>
date:      Thu Jul 25 16:22:15 2013 -0500
remove mutation events


 master/interact.html |  95 ----------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)

diffs (115 lines):

diff --git a/master/interact.html b/master/interact.html
--- a/master/interact.html
+++ b/master/interact.html
@@ -343,111 +343,16 @@ required to fire for every element.</p>
-        <td id="DOMSubtreeModifiedEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>DOMSubtreeModified</strong></p>
-        <p>This is a general event for notification of all changes
-        to the document. It can be used instead of the more
-        specific events listed below. (The normative definition of
-        this event is the description in the <a
-        href="">
-        DOM2 specification</a>.)</p></td>
-        <td>(same)</td>
-        <td><a
-        href="">
-        MutationEvent</a></td>
-        <td>none</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td id="DOMNodeInsertedEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>DOMNodeInserted</strong></p>
-        <p>Fired when a node has been added as a child of another
-        node. (The normative definition of this event is the
-        description in the <a
-        href="">
-        DOM2 specification</a>.)</p></td>
-        <td>(same)</td>
-        <td><a
-        href="">
-        MutationEvent</a></td>
-        <td>none</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td id="DOMNodeRemovedEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>DOMNodeRemoved</strong></p>
-        <p>Fired when a node is being removed from another node.
-        (The normative definition of this event is the description
-        in the <a
-        href="">
-        DOM2 specification</a>.)</p></td>
-        <td>(same)</td>
-        <td><a
-        href="">
-        MutationEvent</a></td>
-        <td>none</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td id="DOMNodeRemovedFromDocumentEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument</strong></p>
-        <p>Fired when a node is being removed from a document,
-        either through direct removal of the Node or removal of a
-        subtree in which it is contained. (The normative definition
-        of this event is the description in the <a
-        href="">
-        DOM2 specification</a>.)</p></td>
-        <td>(same)</td>
-        <td><a
-        href="">
-        MutationEvent</a></td>
-        <td>none</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td id="DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocumentEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument</strong></p>
-        <p>Fired when a node is being inserted into a document,
-        either through direct insertion of the Node or insertion of
-        a subtree in which it is contained. (The normative
-        definition of this event is the description in the <a
-        href="">
-        DOM2 specification</a>.)</p></td>
-        <td>(same)</td>
-        <td><a
-        href="">
-        MutationEvent</a></td>
-        <td>none</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td id="DOMAttrModifiedEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>DOMAttrModified</strong></p>
-        <p>Fired after an attribute has been modified on a node.
-        (The normative definition of this event is the description
-        in the <a
-        href="">
-        DOM2 specification</a>.)</p></td>
-        <td>(same)</td>
-        <td><a
-        href="">
-        MutationEvent</a></td>
-        <td>none</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td id="DOMCharacterDataModifiedEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>DOMCharacterDataModified</strong></p>
-        <p>Fired after CharacterData within a node has been
-        modified but the node itself has not been inserted or
-        deleted. (The normative definition of this event is the
-        description in the <a
-        href="">
-        DOM2 specification</a>.)</p></td>
-        <td>(same)</td>
-        <td><a
-        href="">
-        MutationEvent</a></td>
-        <td>none</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
         <td id="LoadEvent"><p class="event-name"><strong>SVGLoad</strong></p>
           <p>The event is triggered at the point at which the user
           agent has fully parsed the element and its descendants and
           is ready to act appropriately upon that element, such as
           being ready to render the element to the target device.
           Referenced external resources that are required must be loaded,
           parsed and ready to render before the event is triggered.
           Optional external resources are not required to be ready

Received on Thursday, 25 July 2013 21:24:45 UTC