Keyboard and other SVG2 events

I added the keyboard events (keypress, keyup, and keydown) to section 16.2
in interact.html. and provided the list of events. The table is currently
focused on DOM2 which has no keyboard events defined in it. So, we need a
normative reference for these keyboard events. The new spec. which is close
to being put out in public working draft is called the UI Events spec. :

This is the replacement for the DOM3 events spec. and it does have a
normative definition for KeyboardEvent. It also has a normative definition
for MouseEvent. We need to look at these as the DOM2 spec., on its own is
not adequate.

I suggest use click instead of activate to reduce the number of events.

Indie UI is also creating device independent events. Within it there is a definition of
UI Actions. Here Pan and Zoom reside. Should we look at these given the
runway we still have?

Due to the frustrations developers have had over inconsistency of keyboard
implementations and the need for device independence in mobile we should
consider these other options (UI Events and Indie UI Events) vs strictly
being limited to DOM2.


Received on Monday, 22 July 2013 20:50:00 UTC