Re: Styling of SVG 2.0

Tavmjong Bah:
> One styling issue I would like to bring up is that of figures. SVG 1.1
> has quite inconsistent figures. Some are very small, others large. A few
> are quite garish. When I redid the pserver section I tried to make all
> the figures in a consistent way (similar sizes, colors, fonts, arrow
> styling, etc.).

Fixing up all the figures in the spec would be great.  Choosing a 
palette of common colours to use across figures is also a good idea.  I 
am not quite sure about the set of colours in the gradient images (but 
of course it's going to be subjective again).  It's better than then red 
-> yellow -> green -> blue gradients, though!

In the figures I've been working on in painting.html, I've enjoyed using 
deeppink.  I think if much of the time a figure can stick to using one 
colour, and black/grey for other elements, then we can avoid garishness. 
  For example in the 
black works well against the deeppink i think.  I wanted two highlight 
colours for 
so the green there is the complement (approximately) of the deeppink.

As I mentioned in the call, most of the existing 1.1 figures have a thin 
blue border around them, in the actual SVG file.  For the painting.html 
figures I removed that and put a thin grey border around the <img> in 
CSS.  I think that looks clean, but I see that your figures in 
pservers.html don't have borders at all (or a white background).  The 
css3-fonts images also don't have borders, and they look nice.  I might 
try removing it from the painting.html ones and see how it looks.

(The fact that some of the figures I have in painting.html are inside 
blocks with background colours (like inside a <div class="example">) 
suggested to me that the white background colour for the <img> was needed.)

Received on Sunday, 27 May 2012 01:01:25 UTC