FW: ISSUE-2339: definition of azimuth, elevation for feDistantLight [SVG 1.1 F2 Last Call]

Forwarding email on behalf of Dr Hoffmann.


Anthony Grasso:
> Hi Dr Hoffmann,
> Thank you for the feedback. I have updated the diagram, fixed the type
> and changed the wording for "elevation" as per your suggestion.
> If you are happy with the changes, please reply to the SVG WG Public
> Mailing list (public-svg-wg@w3.org) and say that you are satisfied
> with the changes carried out for ISSUE-2339. If there are further
> fixes that can be made, please let me know and I will apply the right away.
> Kind Regards,
> Anthony Grasso


yes, this looks pretty nice now,
I think, this really helps readers a lot to understand what happens and how to use this feature.


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Received on Wednesday, 9 March 2011 00:05:13 UTC