Re: ePub Restrictions on SVG 1.1

I am company 'A' rep to EPUB3 WG ;-) This restriction is a carryover from EPUB2 days which no one proposed to be changed for EPUB3. I agree that SVG animations would make some sense for some books, but the truth is that even static SVG is not fully implemented in existing renderers. Books are much more about XHTML than SVG and adding a lot of extra complexities on SVG side seems unwarranted at this point.


On Feb 5, 2011, at 2:52 PM, "Alex Danilo" <> wrote:

> Hi Doug,
>    I think you'll find that motivation for that is more around
> being able to print an eBook.  The use cases probably cover that.
> ePUB is a book format, not a web format.
>    We should talk to JF since he represented company 'A' on
> the standards groups for that, and I know someone high up in
> the IDPF who may be able to shed more light on the matter.
>    Either way, e-paper screens have terrible refresh rates
> and every change chews power, so ePUB is more than likely aimed
> for static page display for a number of good reasons.
> Alex
> --Original Message--:
>> Hi, folks-
>> We might want to talk to the ePUB (ebook format) folks.  In their latest 
>> draft [1], they disallow SVG animations:
>> [[
>> 2.3.3 Restrictions on SVG 1.1
>> ...
>> The SVG Animation Elements must not occur.
>> ]]
>> This could be a performance restriction, which is reasonable, but not 
>> ideal for electronic textbooks that may wish to have, say, animations of 
>> molecules or orbits, or something.
>> [1] 
>> Regards-
>> -Doug Schepers
>> W3C Team Contact, SVG, WebApps, and Web Events WGs

Received on Sunday, 6 February 2011 06:59:44 UTC