ISSUE-2351 (Tav): Clarify that units are required on <length>s in style attribute; fix examples in text. [SVG 1.1 F2 Last Call]

ISSUE-2351 (Tav): Clarify that units are required on <length>s in style attribute; fix examples in text.  [SVG 1.1 F2  Last Call]

Raised by: Tavmjong Bah
On product: SVG 1.1 F2  Last Call

It is not clear that the style attribute syntax follows that for CSS and thus units are required  for <length> values (other than 0). This is further confused by examples in sections 6.6 and 7.10 where units are incorrectly left out. Units are also incorrectly left out in 6.6 style sheet examples (stroke-width).

Received on Wednesday, 14 July 2010 20:00:23 UTC