changes.html: must implement.
  • Added definitions for the exception codes defined on SVGException.
  • Corrected misspelled references to CSSValue::cssValueType.
  • Added definition of access for default uninitialized values in DOM.
  • Append text to the end of B1 clarifying that all SVG DOM objects that directly correspond to an attribute are live.
  • Added a section clarifying what it means for a node to be read only.
  • idl.html:interface SVGColor : CSSValue { idl.html: CSSValue getPresentationAttribute(in DOMString name); single-page.html:
    interface SVGColor : CSSValue {
    single-page.html:  CSSValue getPresentationAttribute(in DOMString name);
    CSSValue getPresentationAttribute(in DOMString name)
    single-page.html: attribute as an object of type CSSValue. The returned object single-page.html: objects to which the CSSValue is attached. single-page.html: as a CSSValue, or null if the given attribute does not have a single-page.html:CSSPrimitiveValue and CSSValueList. These interfaces are used in single-page.html: single-page.html:a user agent still must support interface CSSValue, as this is the type single-page.html:conjunction with interface CSSValue. The table below specifies the type single-page.html:of CSSValue used to represent each SVG property that applies to single-page.html:The expectation is that the CSSValue returned from the single-page.html:getPropertyCSSValue method on the single-page.html:(the cssValueType of the CSSValue is CSS_CUSTOM), single-page.html:cssValueType of the CSSValue is single-page.html:CSS_VALUE_LIST), the derived interface is CSSValueList. For all other single-page.html:properties (the cssValueType of the CSSValue single-page.html:

    For shorthand properties, a CSSValue always will have a value single-page.html:interface SVGColor : CSSValue { single-page.html: CSSValue getPresentationAttribute(in DOMString name); single-page.html: must implement.

  • Added definitions for the exception codes defined on SVGException.
  • Corrected misspelled references to CSSValue::cssValueType.
  • Added definition of access for default uninitialized values in DOM.
  • Append text to the end of B1 clarifying that all SVG DOM objects that directly correspond to an attribute are live.
  • Added a section clarifying what it means for a node to be read only.
  • svgdom.html:CSSPrimitiveValue and CSSValueList. These interfaces are used in svgdom.html: svgdom.html:a user agent still must support interface CSSValue, as this is the type svgdom.html:conjunction with interface CSSValue. The table below specifies the type svgdom.html:of CSSValue used to represent each SVG property that applies to svgdom.html:The expectation is that the CSSValue returned from the svgdom.html:getPropertyCSSValue method on the svgdom.html:(the cssValueType of the CSSValue is CSS_CUSTOM), svgdom.html:cssValueType of the CSSValue is svgdom.html:CSS_VALUE_LIST), the derived interface is CSSValueList. For all other svgdom.html:properties (the cssValueType of the CSSValue svgdom.html:

    For shorthand properties, a CSSValue always will have a value types.html:

    interface SVGColor : CSSValue {
    types.html:  CSSValue getPresentationAttribute(in DOMString name);
    CSSValue getPresentationAttribute(in DOMString name)
    types.html: attribute as an object of type CSSValue. The returned object types.html: objects to which the CSSValue is attached. types.html: as a CSSValue, or null if the given attribute does not have a