ISSUE-2233 (transform-syntax): adopt the syntax for CSS Transforms [Module: Transforms]

ISSUE-2233 (transform-syntax): adopt the syntax for CSS Transforms [Module: Transforms]

Raised by: Doug Schepers
On product: Module: Transforms


* why not adopt the syntax for CSS Transforms (which was written to be  
as compatible as possible with SVG)?

In particular, I see this:
AG: I agreed to remove translateX/Y/Z and scaleX/Y/Z
JF: translateX/Y is part of the CSS specification but that's just  
syntactic sugar

While these might shortcuts look like syntactic sugar, they allow for  
something important - which is the ability to break a transform list  
into components that can manipulated individually. This is especially  
important when you're animating between transforms (not necessarily  
with CSS Animations, even JS gets the benefit). Flattening all the  
transform operations is a lossy process (not in the final matrix  
result, but you lose the list).

In general I'm not sure there is benefit in minimising the syntax.  
What is the cost?

Received on Wednesday, 18 March 2009 16:32:20 UTC