ISSUE-2285 (z_primitiveunits): Resolving @primitiveUnits and z attribute discrepancies [SVG Filters 1.2]

ISSUE-2285 (z_primitiveunits): Resolving @primitiveUnits and z attribute discrepancies [SVG Filters 1.2]

Raised by: Erik Dahlström
On product: SVG Filters 1.2

The feSpotLight@z and fePointLight@z attributes[1], claim to be depending on @primitiveUnits. As per the units section[2] that means that if primitiveUnits=objectBoundingBox the values are computed as percentages of sqrt((boxwidth)**2 + (boxheight)**2))/sqrt(2).

The question is: is this intuitive and does it give useful behaviour considering Z is an axis for which no coordinatesystem has been defined? Also feSpotLight@pointAtZ doesn't seem to depend on @primitiveUnits unlike @pointAtX and @pointAtY. Should @pointsAtZ be treated like @z wrt @primitiveUnits, or should @z not depend on @primitiveUnits at all?


Received on Monday, 29 June 2009 12:45:43 UTC