Re: Current state of spec generation tools

On Monday, July 7, 2008, 3:33:29 AM, Cameron wrote:

CM> When running that script, it generates three fewer files than currently
CM> exist in spec/mobile/1.2/1.2NG/master/rng:

CM>   a
CM>   langspace
CM>   switch

CM> Both ‘a’ and ‘switch’ aren’t included in any of the spec chapters with
CM> an <edit:schema/> element, so they can probably be deleted from
CM> spec/mobile/1.2/1.2NG/master/rng. 

In both cases, I suspect this is because the RNG is a bit more complex - the content model of these elements is the content model of their parent.

CM> (Interesting note: the references appendix is generated in two versions,
CM> XHTML 1.0 transitional and XHTML 1.1, the latter using ruby annotations
CM> of some authors’ names in the bibliography.)

Yes. Its not currently allowed to serve xhtml 1.1 as text/html, and its not currently allowed to put ruby in xhtml 1.0 despite the fact that the language elements are carefully chosen to have a reasonable fallback behaviour if unrecognized. Sigh.

If you are looking at streamlining/refactoring, it may also be worth looking at what 1.2 modules do. Currently these all have a copy of a set of scripts, which means bugs have to be fixed in multiple places (but limits the impact of local customisations that particular modules might need).

A configurable central script that is called from a per-module stub which specifies the customisations would be a better architecture. I'm not sure if these module scripts are derived from the one for the 1.2T spec, but I think they are IIRC.

 Chris Lilley          
 Interaction Domain Leader
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Monday, 7 July 2008 09:41:42 UTC