Re: Print-dizplay

On Thu, 2008-06-12 at 11:47 -0700, Wilbur, Keith R wrote:
> Hi. My name is Keith Wilbur. 
> For SVG Print 1.2 ,


> So, I would like to see something like a 'displayOnly' value for the
> 'print-display' attribute to indicate that it is for display only, and
> not to be shown for print.

print-display="noPrint" is that option.

While it's been brought up though, I'd like to vote for simply using
media style sheets to do this with "display: none;". While slightly more
verbose if applying it directly in a style attribute, it has the
advantage of being common across most other XML formats being rendered
for display.

Received on Friday, 13 June 2008 14:22:17 UTC