Re: Printing at a given scale

On Friday, February 21, 2003, 10:50:40 AM, Robert wrote:

RRegf> Hello,

RRegf> sorry if it's in the draft but I didn't see anything about this :

RRegf> what about printing at a given scale ? Either specified in svg source file,
RRegf> or chose at print time by the user ?

This can be done already by specifying the width and height of the
image, and also providing a viewBox that sets up the map-coordinates
to physical-coordinates relationship.

RRegf> I guess it may be very interesting at least for mapping usages,

Another thing that is useful in that context is the SVG mapping

RRegf> French Ministery of Transports

Any publicly accessible use of SVG there that you could point me to?
Its always good to see real-world examples, especially from industry
and government.

(I can read French)


Received on Friday, 21 February 2003 07:53:00 UTC