Re: Good to see a hint of progress

On Tuesday, February 18, 2003, 9:29:01 AM, AndrewWatt2001 wrote:

Aac> It's good to see, with the creation of this list, a hint that a draft SVG 
Aac> print profile is (implicitly) going to hit the public domain soon.

Hi Andrew.

Well, typically a requirements document comes first.

Aac> At least I assume that is what this list will be about. :)

Its about using SVG for print - not just 'print this SVG file i am
viewing' but also 'generate SVG in print driver for sending to
SVG-enabled printer'. This may or may not require a separate profile.
It could also be a set of efficiency guidelines, color matching
guidelines, and information for optimising workflows.


Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2003 04:03:38 UTC