from November 2016 by subject

[svgwg] Copy Editing: Eradicate the usage of informal `you'; clean up surrounding text

[svgwg] Decide what to do with zoom and pan

[svgwg] Interaction of `x` attribute and `startOffset` in a textPath element.

[svgwg] Issue: Interaction of `x` attribute and `startOffset` in a textPath element. marked as Needs editing

[svgwg] Issue: patternTransform browser implementations do not match spec marked as Needs CSS WG

[svgwg] Issue: SVGPathElement and SVGGeometryElement in do not match current specification marked as Test suite

[svgwg] Issue: The expressions and illustrations in the vector effects chapter of SVG 2 CR are broken. marked as Needs editing

[svgwg] Make SVGUnitTypes a regular interface with only constants

[svgwg] patternTransform browser implementations do not match spec

[svgwg] Pull Request: Copy Editing: Eradicate the usage of informal `you'; clean up surrounding text

[svgwg] Pull Request: Correct SVGUseElementShadowRoot interface definition. Closes #290.

[svgwg] Pull Request: Make SVGUnitTypes a regular interface with only constants

[svgwg] SVG MIME Type (image/svg+xml) is misleading to developers

[svgwg] SVGPathElement and SVGGeometryElement in do not match current specification

[svgwg] The expressions and illustrations in the vector effects chapter of SVG 2 CR are broken.

[svgwg] Values in SVGZoomAndPan and SVGUnitTypes should be accessible to javascript

Closed: [svgwg] SVGPathElement and SVGGeometryElement in do not match current specification

Closed: [svgwg] SVGUseElementShadowRoot section defines wrong IDL interface

Closed: [svgwg] Values in SVGZoomAndPan and SVGUnitTypes should be accessible to javascript

Last message date: Friday, 25 November 2016 00:54:56 UTC