Re: SVG IG Reset

Forwarding to the list.

On Fri, 29 Jan 2010 11:39:01 -0600
Jeff Schiller <> wrote:

> Hello SVG Interest Group,
> We haven't got together in awhile, so let us apologize up front for
> busy schedules.  The IG chairs had a talk recently to discuss the SVG
> Interest Group, its purpose, direction and future.
> We both feel that, particular at this time, the SVG Interest Group
> needs to continue, but we both feel that there is a need to adjust the
> focus of the group if it is to provide strong value to the future of
> SVG.  We'd like to start running the group as a project, not a 'fan
> club' and we see two vital tasks for the IG to fulfill in the short
> term:
>  1) create the SVG Torture Test Suite
>  2) review, update and publish the W3C SVG Primer (David Dailey's
> book)
> So to kind of reset a little, what we need to get started are two
> things:
>  a) who would like to participate in the above activities?
>  b) who would like to be the owner for each activity?
> If you are interested in PARTICIPATING in either (or both) of the
> above two activities, please chime in on the mailing list.  At the
> casual level, responsibilities will include:

I would actually like to participate in both. As with many of us, time
(and tuits) have been a little short of late.

I had submitted a chapter review end of last year, before we started
the CVS process. My attempts at getting CVS access have been less than
successful. (In fact I, was never really sure that my ssh key was

I'm not really interested in owning either activity at the moment.

G. Wade
If you don't know where you're going, you will probably end up somewhere
else.                                           -- Laurence J. Peter

Received on Friday, 29 January 2010 23:25:56 UTC