Re: Debugging SVG (and Firebug)

Hi everyone,

> At my recent presentation on SVG at the WWW 2010 conference, I was
> approached by someone from the Firebug team.

Cool! :-)

> The question put to me was, what low-hanging fruit can the Firebug team
> pluck to make SVG developing better?  I know I've run into quirks once in
> while, but failed to catalog them.

Not much I can remember: Firebug (unreleased versions, see below)
currently works pretty well for SVG development:
 * Document manipulation (XML edition) through the HTML panel applies
changes live;
 * DOM changes are highlighted;
 * etc. :-)

> Have you run into any problems debugging SVG in Firebug (or any other
> browser-based debugging tool)?  This is a great opportunity to get these
> fixed (or at least examined).

Yup, I noticed a few bugs a while ago (which are still in release
versions, BTW). The most notable one was issue 666 [1], which
fortunately should already be fixed in development builds [2] of the
tool. So don't "waste" much time with versions below 1.6a9! ;-)

(Note that I've only been using the development version of Firebug in
conjunction with the nightly Firefox builds [3]; I've been using the
current release for the stable Firefox version, the one I use for my
daily browsing needs.)



Received on Sunday, 23 May 2010 23:19:44 UTC