Re: SVG Book (was: SVG IG -- a few ideas)

On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 10:14:14 +0100
Helder Magalhães <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> > It's not a matter of encouraging W3C to publish it... we will
> > publish it whenever we ask them to.  However, there are publication
> > guidelines we have to follow; for example, it needs to be valid and
> > well-formed, etc.
> Yes, that would make sense, coming from a standards
> organization... ;-)

Before the conference, we were talking briefly about the idea of
putting the book under version control to make edits and such easier.
Now might be a good time to do this. We could do the monster page as
the initial commit and then start breaking it up.

I could set up either a Google Code or github project pretty easily, if
anyone is interested. If so, does anyone have a preference?

G. Wade

PS. There was also a comment before that some people were not
familiar/comfortable with version control technology, in general. I
would also be willing to help people understand what they need to know.
Machines take me by surprise with great frequency.    -- Alan Turing

Received on Monday, 12 October 2009 12:32:41 UTC