SVG Face-to-Face Meeting: Oct 1st, 2009


We are planning to have a face-to-face (f2f) meeting in October the
day before the SVG Open Conference [1]

If you are planning to attend the conference, please consider booking
your flight/hotel one day earlier (or arriving Thursday morning
instead of evening).  The meeting will likely take place in the
afternoon of Thursday October 1st, 2009.

We are currently discussing details of the meeting:

- Goals (what will be accomplished):
   - doc sprint for Google Doctype or PlanetSVG?
   - SVG DOM API documentation and testing to help the WG [2]

- Details:
   - When: Thursday Oct 1st, 2009 (time TBD, afternoon)
   - Where: TBD

If you are interested in attending, please let me know so we have a
general idea of numbers.

Jeff Schiller


Received on Thursday, 6 August 2009 15:15:46 UTC