Re: [Moderator Action (size limit exceeded)] RE: SVG IG Conf Call: Thurs Jul 16

Hi, Dave-

I look forward to seeing you presentation.

Porter, David A wrote (on 7/14/09 2:47 PM):
> Attached are a handful of Powerpoint slides to illustrate my "show&
> tell" on Thursday.  Hopefully everyone will be able to access them.  A
> Powerpoint viewer for Windows PCs is readily available on,
> however I don't know what options are available for Macintosh or Unix
> users.  Thank you,
> --Dave Porter

Your email attachment was blocked, so I uploaded it to our servers:

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Wednesday, 15 July 2009 17:26:28 UTC