Re: Minutes of the Call (Feb 19th)


apparently, the only two that are in an HTTP Auth section are the last
one and the one from Feb. 5th (which I also cannot access). The others
are fine.


Jeff Schiller schrieb:
> Hi Manuel,
> Hm, I assume this applies to you for previous meetings too, correct?
> Doug or Gregory, is there any way to avoid the w3c http auth login for
> the minutes?
> Regards,
> Jeff
> On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Manuel Strehl <> wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> I can't access the minutes. Is it possible, that the page is open only
>> for members of the W3C? (I've access only as invited expert for the SVG IG)
>> Regards,
>> Manuel
>> Jeff Schiller schrieb:
>>> NOTE: New Actions for Rob and stelt.
>>> Thanks for the call and welcome to David Storey!
>>> Regards,
>>> Jeff Schiller

Received on Saturday, 21 February 2009 15:20:07 UTC