svg aam feedback - Amelias changes - part 3

More suggested changes to Amelia's branch of the SVG AAM.  Line number are
from the right (green) side of the changes.

For the changes starting on line 836 in section 5.1.2 Including Elements in
the Accessibility Tree.
List after 3rd paragraph should include the mesh element as it is treated
similar to shapes.

For the changes starting on line 836 in section 5.1.2 Including Elements in
the Accessibility Tree.
In an earlier email I stated I would not like to exclude shapes based on
whether they are rendered or not. I believe SVG to be a language in which
an author can describe data, and using rendering as a test for inclusion in
the accessibility tree unnecessarily impacts an author's ability to
describe data. So I would like the following changed from

SVG user agents MUST provide an accessible object in the accessibility tree
for rendered SVG elements that meet any of the following criteria, unless
they are excluded from the accessibility tree per the rules in Excluding
Elements from the Accessibility Tree:


SVG user agents MUST provide an accessible object in the accessibility tree
for renderable SVG elements that meet any of the following criteria:

Note the SVG 2 spec already defines renderable element and I would like
inclusion rules to take precedence over exclusion rules.

For the changes starting on line 967

Typo,  are misspelled

Specifically, for SVG the following elements ar interactive and MUST be
included in the accessibility tree,
Specifically, for SVG the following elements are interactive and MUST be
included in the accessibility tree,

In the bullet list

A rendered element with a positive integer value for the tabindex
attribute, or which is focusable by default and has not been removed from
the tab order with a negative integer tabindex attribute, which may receive
keyboard focus and therefore keyboard input events.
A renderable element with a tabindex attribute. An element which is
focusable by default that does not have a negative tabindex attribute and
has not been excluded from the accessibility tree by other means such as
having display none.

For the changes starting on line 994

For SVG, this specifically means that elements that would normally be
included in the accessibility tree except for the fact they are invisible
(e.g., because of the visibility: hidden style property, or a combination
of fill: none and stroke: none for shapes or text) should nonetheless be
included in the accessibility tree if they can receive pointer events based
on the computed value of the pointer-events property.

remove style and file/stroke

For SVG, this specifically means that elements that would normally be
included in the accessibility tree except for the fact they are invisible
(e.g., because of the visibility: hidden) should nonetheless be included in
the accessibility tree if they can receive pointer events based on the
computed value of the pointer-events property.

    Fred Esch                                                 
 Watson, IBM, W3C                                             
 IBM Watson       Watson Release Management and Quality       

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2016 18:39:13 UTC