testable statements, webkit testing

Hi all,

I moved the testable statements to new wiki pages. The difference is - the
new wiki pages have a table of expected results instead of a single value.
The last row in the table is note - which Joanie Diggs will use to keep a
record of webkit layout tests.  If you have links to the old wiki pages
they now only have a link to the new pages.

We still have two wiki pages with testable statements. A main page with
most of the tests and a page with language (lang) dependent tests. If you
edit these pages please let Joanie Diggs know what changed. In some cases
she will need to update webkit layout tests.

Difference between table and spec
Expected results in the table for accessible name calculations for AXAPI
shows AXDescription in the table where according to the formula in the core
name spec AXTitleUIElement should be exposed. Joanie indicated that until
she (linux) and apple see value in exposing the ATK_RELATION_LABELLED_BY
relationship, that will use AXDescription without the labelledby
relationship for SVG. Joanie suggested that the spec not be changed, to
allow future use, but for CR exit criteria we should focus on AXDescription
only. Since that is what she and apple do and I cannot think of a useful
reason for them to change, I express the actual expected results in the
table. (Please note, I may have bungled the explanation/properties
involved, but we do have a difference between the spec and tests - Joanie
may be able to attend our meeting to explain if needed).  This will be a
discussion topic at our next SVG a11y meeting.

When Joanie pointed out the discrepancy between implementation and spec, I
asked Rich to file a bug (which he did). If we agree to Joanie's and
apple's point of view, then Rich will have to close the bug I asked him to
file (sorry Rich).

Automated Testing for 2 platforms
Joanie has written about 200 SVG accessibility tests into webkit's
regression testing. I think we should use these tests as part of CR
testing. This will be a discussion topic at our next SVG a11y meeting.

    Fred Esch                                                 
 Watson, IBM, W3C                                             
 IBM Watson       Watson Release Management and Quality       

Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2016 16:38:46 UTC