agenda March 13, 2015

Time of meeting is 9:00AM EST, 14:00 UTC, duration is 1 hour
Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 2742 ("ARIA"), IRC channel is

minutes from Feb 6 meeting: (no minutes from 2/20)

We are using the wiki to
capture use cases and ideas.


Feedback from CSUN    10 minutes

Update on wiki
If in good enough shape - we can start looking through requirements - if
not get actions to fill in

                    Regards,                     Fred         
                   Fred Esch                                  
       Accessibility, Watson Innovations                      
    AARB Complex Visualization Working Group                  
        W3C SVG Accessibility Task Force                      
                   IBM Watson                                 

Received on Wednesday, 11 March 2015 13:31:14 UTC