spec. updates.

I think I addressed the issues the group had with the SVG-AAM for a first
public working draft.

I did also put the notes in for text nodes that further API work was
required here. These are now default group roles in the SVG and SVG-AAM

Regarding name and description from content both <text> and <desc> map to a
"none" roll which has no name from content feature. They would be ignored.

Regarding categorizing SVG elements in the SVG-AAM I think the better place
to do this would be in the authoring practices and not the browser mapping
spec. which is targeted at user agent developers responsible for SVG
accessibility support. I also find it easier to keep up an alphabetical
list of elements and their mappings with the SVG spec. itself by looking at
the element cross reference. So, I would rather not refactor this right

I think I hit everything that Amelia, Erik, Fred, and the group discussion
provided feedback on.

Here is the updated editors draft:


Here is the updated implicit ARIA host language semantics in the SVG spec:

Janina, Michael

Please note that the SVG-AAM refers to the SVG Accessibility API Mapping
spec. and not solely the SVG2 Accessibility API Mapping spec.



Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Monday, 26 January 2015 23:24:31 UTC