Action-1715: figure role

Hi Steve,

I have an action to get with you to get agreement on on a new ARIA Figure
role. We need this for SVG Accessibility as we need a mechanism to isolate
figures that could be pulled into a list of figures by assistive
technologies. Since we are doing this for ARIA and SVG  we would also like
to reuse it for HTML. Please look at the following text and let me know if
this definition would be sufficient so that HTML could use this role as the
default native host language semantics for the figure role.

      A perceivable section of content which supports the main document,
      and should be easily locatable regardless of its position in the
      layout. A figure may contain a graphical document, an image, or other
      content such as code snippets or example text. A figure should be
      referenced from the main text but does not need to be displayed
      directly where it is referenced.

      A figure MAY have an associate label or caption, or an associated

      Assistive technologies SHOULD enable users to quickly navigate to
      figures. Mainstream user agents MAY enable users to quickly navigate
      to figures.

The figure role would be a subclass of role section.

Name From: Author
Accessible Name Required: False


      Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Sunday, 30 August 2015 23:45:57 UTC