Re: Speech Synthesis - Length parameter

On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 10:59 AM, Jerry Smith (WPT) <>

> The API supports simultaneously running multiple speech synthesis
> engines?  When might that be useful?

Not related to charLength, but yes. I would love to see this be possible.
Imagine listening to an synthed audio book with turn-by-turn navigation.
You would want ducking of the narration when the navigation app speaks, but
not to have the entire page interrupted and canceled. The platform
limitations are pretty frustrating, with OSX (and maybe the new Win8 API?)
being the exception.

A lot of discussion about it here:

I also wanted to clarify in the non-concurrent case how to minimize two
pages interfering with each other (besides being annoying this is a
security issue because of the state leakage)

Received on Friday, 18 November 2016 20:19:57 UTC