Re: Concatenating transcript results

If the processor is producing CJK ideographs, then adding spaces would be inappropriate.  Likewise compound words in English might potentially suffer from spurious spaces - though this is much less likely than the CJK case. 

-=- Jerry (via iPhone)

On Aug 31, 2012, at 6:01 AM, Satish S <> wrote:

> Looking at it from another angle - if there was automatic binding to a HTML element and the spoken text was entered into the element in by the browser, then adding spaces automatically is the right thing to do. The equivalent for this is the keyboard IME on mobile phones where tapping on a word in the suggestion bar enters the word and a space with it. But the events that get dispatched to JS should not contain spaces appended or prepended.
> Some web apps may want to also offer correction of a word/phrase based on the list of hypotheses in the results, so when the user taps/clicks on the phrase it may offer a drop down list of suggestions. If we add spaces before or after the phrase then the UI would include those in the highlight instead of just the text, so developers may end up stripping off the space to show a better UI. This feels like working against the framework and something we should avoid.
> Perhaps we could look at it post v1 of the spec based on developer feedback?
> Cheers
> Satish
> On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 1:51 AM, Glen Shires <> wrote:
> If this is an optional flag that we add in the future, I strongly believe the default should be true.  (That is, until we add this feature, proper whitespace must be inserted by the speech recognizer.)
> If a user is searching for a consecutive key-words such as "peanut butter", there is no guarantee that the they will be returned in the same final result. For example:
> result[0].transcript = "I'd like a peanut"
> result[1].transcript = "butter sandwich."
> While there's various algorithms that might be used to find the consecutive key-words, perhaps the easiest is to concatenate the results together with a space input between, and search for "peanut butter". So for this use case, it would be simpler if the speech-recognizer had returned the results with proper white-spacing.
> But frankly, I think the complexity of writing a JavaScript algorithm that knows how to insert proper whitespaces - and works on a wide variety of international languages, far outweighs any minor simplification of scanning for keywords by ignoring leading/trailing whitespaces. I believe there will be many applications that do use dictation to generate emails, documents, product reviews, etc. So I believe we must ensure that authoring a dictation app should not be more difficult than it needs to be.
> /Glen Shires
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 4:04 PM, Satish S <> wrote:
> Stripping whitespace is something that almost every app that doesn't use the API for dictation would need. To me this looks like an optional feature, something which gets turned on based on a flag such as "SpeechRecognition.autoWhiteSpace" that the developer would set if they want it.. and as such it could be added in a future revision of the API if we see developers asking for it.
> Cheers
> Satish
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 9:48 PM, Glen Shires <> wrote:
> Inserting whitespace is non-trivial, particularly when considering punctuation and internationalization. Some punctuation is placed before the whitespace, others after. Some languages don't use whitespace. I'd prefer to avoid placing this burden on the JavaScript author.  Speech recognition engines already contain this logic.
> Conversely, stripping leading and trailing whitespace is trivial, as is writing a comparison routine that ignores whitespace.
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Young, Milan <> wrote:
> I prefer Satish’s suggestion.  If the web author needs to concatenate, sandwiching in some whitespace seems like a trivial adjustment.
> From: Satish S [] 
> Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 1:28 PM
> To: Glen Shires
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Concatenating transcript results
> We could also say the transcript should not include leading or trailing spaces, so the web app should always use a whitespace if it needs to concatenate.  This would work better for apps that check the transcript with known words (e.g. command and control) instead of having to append/prepend whitespaces to their string literals. Also depending on the language of the recognized text whitespace may not be appropriate (e.g. CJK don't use white spaces).
> Cheers
> Satish
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Glen Shires <> wrote:
> If there's no disagreement by the end of the week I'll add it to the spec...
> On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Glen Shires <> wrote:
> I propose adding the following sentence to the definition of SpeechRecognitionAlternative.transcript to make it clear that a JavaScript author can simply concatenate SpeechRecognitionResults without the author having to worry about where/when to add whitespace.
> "For continuous recognition, whitespace MUST be included in the transcript, including leading or trailing whitespace, as necessary such that concatenation of consecutive SpeechRecognitionResults produces a proper transcript of the session."

Received on Friday, 31 August 2012 20:05:56 UTC