RE: SPARQL 1.1 Construct Composition


what about using B (as select-query, not construct-query) as subquery in A? If you only have to use the result of B once (!), then this should work fine, and you don't have to worry about having created triples  which are not needed after the execution of A.

Anyway, I am interested in an answer to that as well, as I sometimes had the wish to reuse the result of a query A in a query B several (!) times, and here subqueries do not work. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Miguel [] 
Sent: Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2013 18:07
Subject: SPARQL 1.1 Construct Composition

Hi everybody,
I'm studying the possibility of doing automatic functional composition
of SPARQL (1.1) Construct queries.

A basic use case is the following.
Throught a SPARQL construct query A, I define a local view of a remote
SPARQL end point.
Then I want to execute a (construct or select) query B on this local view.
To do that, I could materialize the local view and then query it with B.
But, if I'm able to compose query B to query A in a new query C to
send to the SPARQL end point, I can have directly the result,
potentially reducing the amount of data that has to be transmitted.

Has anybody already worked on this?


Received on Friday, 22 February 2013 07:24:06 UTC