Re: SPARQL puzzle


Have you considered this the SPARQl 1.1 features:


There is a related MINUS { pattern } but OPTIONAL/!bound is like the 
former without duplicates. is useful for formatting queries.

SELECT ?c ?l where { ?x <>
<> . ?x
<> ?l . ?x
<> ?c . OPTIONAL { ?x
<> ?r2  } . FILTER (  !bound(?r2) )  }
SELECT  ?c ?l
   { ?x <> <> .
     ?x <> ?l .
     ?x <> ?c
       { ?x <> ?r2 }
     FILTER ( ! bound(?r2) )


On 07/05/12 13:37, Dan Brickley wrote:
> I'm stuck with a query, and #swig didn't know so I'm trying here!
> I'm using this dataset,
> ...which is from an experimental rdfa.html export of the schema.
> My query goal, is to find all the properties (and the rdfs:domain
> type(s) they're associated with, ultimately) which have an expected
> value of "Text", but which do not also have any other expected types.
> Note that this 'expected type' notion is expressed using a repeatable
> property, schema:range, which is a more relaxed cousin of rdfs:range
> (i.e. it's a hint for expected properties, but doesn't have the strong
> semantics of rdfs:range).
> So for example, there is a  class<>
>           that defines a property "responsibilities" whose schema:range
> expected value is text. The result set ought to contain this, only if
> we don't have another schema:range pointing to a type like (the
> fictional) ResponsibilityInfo. Use case is that I want to find
> properties that are candidates for having their controlled values
> externally enumerated, but which don't yet have a relevant
> type defined. See
> if you're
> interested.
> I've been trying this using Jena on the commandline, with variations
> on things like
>   SELECT ?c ?l  where { ?x<>
> <>  . ?x
> <>  ?l . ?x
> <>  ?c . OPTIONAL { ?x
> <>  ?r2  } . FILTER ( ! (?r2 !=
> <>  &&   bound(?r2)) )  }
> SELECT ?c ?l where { ?x<>
> <>  . ?x
> <>  ?l . ?x
> <>  ?c . OPTIONAL { ?x
> <>  ?r2  } . FILTER (  !bound(?r2) )  }
> sparql --data _schema.nt 'SELECT ?x ?c ?l ?r1 ?r2  where { ?x
> <>  ?r1 . ?x
> <>  ?l . ?x
> <>  ?c . OPTIONAL { ?x
> <>  ?r2  } .  FILTER (?r1 =
> <>  &&  ?r2 !=<>   ) } '
> (these aren't right, but give some indication of what I was trying)
> I find !bound pretty hard to think about. Is this something that needs
> SPARQL 1.1 maybe?
> cheers,
> Dan

Received on Monday, 7 May 2012 13:46:18 UTC