RE: Mulgara and sameTerm

Hi Andy and all,

I thought I understood this, but after reading a comment in the open
world tests I am not so sure. So I am posting my question here.

In SPARQL can the pattern "{ ?x :p "001"^^xsd:integer }" match the
literal "1"^^xsd:integer in an RDF store?

Can two literals match in a triple pattern, but return false in a
sameTerm test?

The comment in the file below indicates that an RDF store can either do
value matching or lexical matching. Is it correct?

# SPARQL is defined over simple entailment so
# only syntactic matches show.  
# (Some systems may match because they do
# value-based matching in the graph (D-entailment))

# Does not strictly match "1"^xsd:integer

PREFIX  :       <http://example/ns#>
PREFIX  t:      <http://example/t#>
PREFIX  xsd:    <>

{ ?x :p "001"^^xsd:integer }

Received on Friday, 8 August 2008 17:06:44 UTC