I just read a blog post [1] from Shelley Powers in which she talks about
JSON vs XML and goes into RDF/XML vs Turtle territory a bit.  Seems like a
lot of the potential XML tool interop that a 'nice' RDF/XML* might have
provided is now available through SPARQL results.

While commenting over there it occurred to me that one aspect that doesn't
seem to be available is a streaming style of access a la SAX. Ok, this is
completely off the top of my head, may well be a non-starter - any obvious
reasons it couldn't work? If not, has anyone looked into/implemented this?
Would say hooking up result iterators to just-in-time XML generation make
sense? I'm guessing it should be feasible but only useful with a subset of
possible query patterns. Could be sweet for performance/scale though, not to
mention queries over Jabber...



(* I suspect a genuinely nice RDF/XML is an unfindable Holy Grail - either
you'd have to ditch the XML tree-friendly striping style or the
graph-friendly statement style)


Received on Sunday, 7 January 2007 10:36:31 UTC