Re: monthly Solid phone conf

On Fri, 25 Jan 2019 at 18:17, Ruben Verborgh (UGent-imec) <> wrote:

> Dear Solid community,
> Let us stay in touch more closely,
> with a recurring phone conf in which we talk about all things Solid.
> Like most of you, I’m a volunteer to the Solid community,
> and I think it is useful for us to exchange ideas and comments
> on how we want Solid to evolve.
> Can you indicate **which moments of the week** would work for you?
> Please **ignore the specific dates**; this is about finding a recurring
> timeslot.
> Looking forward to hearing from all of you!


Monthly is a good cadence to start with.

In the SWXG we did weekly and it was too much for most, so many go bi

For a small group like this monthly makes sense to start with!

> Thanks,
> Ruben

Received on Friday, 25 January 2019 17:21:45 UTC