Requesting a security and privacy review for ActivityPub


ActivityPub is aiming to enter Candidate Recommendation by the 11th, and
we'd like to request a review for any potential security or privacy
issues.  ActivityPub is a client to server (eg mobile applications,
desktop applications, etc) and server to server (federation) standard
for propagating social network activity through the web.

In sum, ActivityPub uses ActivityStreams 2.0 as its vocabulary and
serialization mechanism (via json-ld), and primarily defines a mechanism
for discovering and submitting activities to endpoints, as well as
expected side effects for various activity types.

You can find the latest editor's draft here:

Note that we have filled out the security and privacy questionnaire:

Any and all feedback is welcome.  Thank you!

 - Christopher Allan Webber,
   on behalf of ActivityPub and the Social WG

Received on Wednesday, 28 September 2016 13:32:40 UTC