Re: Why not AS2? was Re: Getting the group back on track

Sarven Capadisli writes:

> The design of the Social API doesn't need to rely on any particular 
> vocabulary. People will use whatever vocabulary they deem to be 
> appropriate to describe their own "social" data. The Social API will 
> merely enable the data to be passed. The challenge for the Social API is 
> to lay down some form of a common denominator of the social API-like 
> things that's needed. IMHO, the API shouldn't be restricted to the 
> current candidates (with varying degree of quality and coverage): 
> ActivityPump, MicroPub, SoLiD. Certainly there are other decentralized 
> approaches out there which should be studied?

So I'm of a different opinion.  There's a hodgepodge of federation
standards out there.  They exist outside of the group already, and we
have multiple within the group, and that's fine, but one of the reasons
I joined this group is that despite trying to create a decentralized
network, *almost none of these sites can work together*.

My goal is to work on a standard so that we can get past this fragmented
state of federation.  I think the exploration work is fine and
interesting, but is that really defining a standard?  And it's not going
to help address the issue above.

Received on Monday, 19 October 2015 15:25:43 UTC