Re: Getting the group back on track

Evan Prodromou writes:

> On 2015-10-12 10:28 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>> I dont think taking yet another JSON serialization to REC is a good 
>> idea, when we already have a JSON REC (JSON LD) which is to all 
>> intents and purposes identical.  I am wondering if there will be some 
>> formal objection down the line.
> Have you reviewed AS 2.0? It's explicitly compatible with JSON-LD, as a 
> design goal. It's more or less a vocabulary on top of JSON-LD.

Not only is it built on top of json-ld, if you go to you'll see there's even an [Activity]
button on there.  Hit the n-quads tab, you'll see that we can even
convert to RDF.

ActivityStreams is based on JSON-LD and is directly convertable to
RDF... I think the AS direction and the linked data direction currently
have a smooth integration path.

Received on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 14:12:48 UTC